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Commitment to Sustainability

MBA Medical Trading Company
is committed to promoting sustainability in all aspects of our business. SDGs and Initiatives: SDG 7, SDG 12: Environmental Stewardship LED lighting, efficient printer use, and reduced plastic waste. SDG 5, SDG 10: Social Responsibility Workplace diversity, equal pay, and support for local communities. SDG 8: Economic Development Employee loans and paid days off for emergencies. Governance and Regulations: Compliance with regulations and ISO certifications for quality management systems. More information in our sustainability report.
Environmental Stewardship (SDG 7, SDG 12)
MBA Co. recognizes the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices. To this end, we have undertaken several initiatives to reduce our energy consumption and promote energy efficiency, including using LED bulbs in our offices and warehouses and implementing a printer without ink to reduce paper consumption and waste. We have also stopped using plastic sleeves for our air waybills, which has significantly reduced our plastic consumption and waste. These initiatives contribute to SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) (United Nations, 2021).
Social Responsibility (SDG 5, SDG 10)
At MBA Co, we prioritize diversity, equality, and inclusion in our workplace. We have a diverse workforce with employees from different countries, promoting SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities). We pay our female and male employees equally, promoting gender equality and eliminating any gender pay gap, contributing to SDG 5 (Gender Equality). We support local communities by providing free training materials to training centers, helping to train the next generation of healthcare professionals (United Nations, 2021).
Economic Development (SDG 8)
MBA Co. is committed to supporting economic development, which is crucial for promoting sustainability In addition to offering loans to employees in need, which directly contributes to SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), we further demonstrate our commitment to our workforce by providing paid days off for emergencies. We believe that supporting our employees during unforeseen circumstances not only promotes their well-being but also contributes to the overall sustainability of our organization.
Governance and Regulations (SDG 16)
We are committed to complying with all applicable regulations related to sustainability, environmental protection, and the import and distribution of medical devices. We are registered and authorized with the Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA), demonstrating our adherence to strict regulations and guidelines related to the import and distribution of medical devices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We have obtained ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices - Quality management systems and ISO 9001:2015 Quality management, which demonstrate our commitment to maintaining thehighest standards of quality and safety in our operations (International Organization for Standardization, 2021). These certifications contribute to SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) by ensuring that our products and services meet the highest quality and safety standards, contributing to the well-being of our customers and society as a whole. In addition, our comprehensive governance structure includes regular audits and assessments of our
In conclusion, MBA Medical Trading Company is committed to promoting sustainability in all aspects of our business, contributing to the SDGs. By reducing our environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, supporting economic development, and complying with regulations, we aim to make a positive impact on our communities and the healthcare industry. We will continue to invest in sustainable practices and initiatives and collaborate with our partners and stakeholders to achieve our sustainability goals. We believe that by sharing our progress and efforts towards sustainability, we can inspire others to take action towards creating a more sustainable future. At MBA Medical Company, we are proud to be advocates for sustainability and committed to making a positive impact on the world. We will continue to explore new ways to reduce our environmental impact and promote sustainable practices in our operations. We hope to inspire others in our industry to join us in our commitment to promoting sustainability